Public Lectures
Public Evening Lecture (in German language)
Monday, 27 September 2021, 18:30, room: PEL and Livestream via YouTube
Robert Schlögl, , Berlin, Germany
is speaking about
“Die Rolle des Wasserstoffs im Energiesystem”
Wasserstoff ist die einzige Möglichkeit erneuerbare Energien global auszutauschen und damit den Bedarf an erneuerbarer Energie mit den Erzeugungsmöglichkeiten der Sonne zu verbinden. Eine zügige Umsetzung der Energiewende setzt nun voraus, dass wir die technischen und organisatorischen Hindernisse überwinden um zu einem globalen Markt für erneuerbare Energie zu gelangen. Der Beitrag adressiert einige technische Herausforderungen und beschreibt die politischen Maßnahmen zur Einführung einer Wasserstoffwirtschaft.
Max-von-Laue-Lecture (in English language)
Thursday, 30 September 2021, 18:30, room: MVL and Livestream via YouTube
Steve Fetter, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
is speaking about
“What physicists can do to improve international security?”
After developing nuclear weapons, physicists were at the forefront in alerting policymakers and the public to the dangers of nuclear war. National academies, non-governmental organizations, and individual scientists helped conceive and promote arms control concepts and develop verification technologies which formed the foundation for treaties that enhanced international security and stability. That foundation is now crumbling, as treaties are discarded and a new generation of nuclear weapon systems is under development. Moreover, new security challenges are arising from emerging technologies, including quantum sensors and computing; artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics; cybersecurity; small satellites; and gene synthesis and editing. The physics community can play an important role in educating policymakers and the public about these risks and how they can be reduced.